Imperium plays a high speed brand of technical death metal. With frenetic riffage, and a high energy display of guttural vocals and screams, Imperium are stepping up to a new level on their second, full length release ‘ Titanomachy’. With the bands signature ‘middle eastern’ flavour now cemented into their sound, the chance to let the flurry of unrelenting blast beats and virtuoso guitar leads shine has come.
The bands formation in 2010 consisted of Trigger the Bloodshed and The Bridal Procession members Robert Purnell and Steve Garnier and founding guitarist Mike Alexander. The debut album ’Sacramentum’ dropped in 2012, to great critical acclaim.
In 2015, only key composer Mike Alexander remained. Mike moved forwards, with new songs in hand, recruiting Doug Anderson of Unfathomable Ruination/ex Bloodshot Dawn on vocals. And after a few months of working on lyrics and concepts, the duo came to record ‘Titanomachy’. With a new vocal sound, and an array of brand new sounds, the record takes the listener through an epic journey, deep into ancient Greek mythology and lore. Bleak tales of betrayal, brutality, destructive monsters and war between the Gods and Titans themselves. ‘Titanomachy’ is huge in both lyrical scale and musical depth. ‘Titanomachy’ was released on the 7th of May, 2016 via Ultimate Productions. Artwork was completed by Remedy Art Design (Greece).
“When I first heard the Imperium material I was really impressed, and the opportunity to work on something like this was an immediate attraction to me”, comments Doug. “The album feels huge. Epic! Whilst maintaining a constant level of brutality, and technicality. Mike's guitar playing is astonishing, but it isn't just an album of show boating, There are real memorable songs here, and a heavy signature sound too”.
Mike Alexander comments on the writing process: “I was writing over a very intense two year period and then when Doug came in and we got together in the studio with our producer Chuck Creese it all just gelled and flowed. Every day in the studio was such a rush as everything just came together so well, the chemistry was awesome and the resulting album was completed beyond all expectations”.
Doug adds: “The debut album was based heavily on Ancient Roman history, but the new record falls deep into Greek Mythology. The Greek gods of course heavily influenced the Roman's, so in terms of concept, you could call this album a prequel. And at the climax of the album, we cover the "Titanomachy" itself. The war between the Titans and the Gods. I think the lyrics reflect the music well, as the songs are very grand in scale and if a bloody war between the Titans and the Gods isn't grandiose, then what is!?”...
Formed In: 2010
Status: Active
Years Active: 2011-Present
Mike Alexander - Guitars
Doug Anderson - Vocals
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Location: Bristol, South West England
Genre: Technical Death Metal
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imperiumuk
Bandcamp: https://imperiumdeathmetal.bandcamp.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1dPXtPRig6noOQcD7oId5g
Titanomachy (Full-Length Album - 2016)
Released September 5, 2016