On March 26th, 2020 Clouds released a single called The Path of Sorrow, along with a video for it. In the making for a year, it includes guest vocals by these people:
Jakub Paweł – Panzerhund / Somnium Lacrimae
Drew Nowak – Mournspire
Valerio Granieri – Rome In Monochrome / Aurora Nowhere
Margarita Arabadzhieva
Yulia Lykhotvor – Sidus Atrum
Jarmo Kylmäaho – Lead Wings / Atrum Tempestas
Maurizio Caverzan – Ghostheart Nebula / In-sight Band / HusqwarnaH
Javier Gomez – InMemoriam
Released March 26, 2020
Formed in: 2013
Status: Active
Years active: 2013-Present
Daniel Neagoe - Drums, Vocals
Jarno Salomaa - Guitars
Déhà - Guitars, Bass
Kostas Panagiotou - Keyboards
Pim Blankenstein - Vocals
Jón Aldará - Vocals
Anders Eek - Drums
Mark Antoniades - Guitar
Genre: Atmospheric Doom Metal
Country of origin: International
Location: United Kingdom / Finland / Netherlands / Faroe Islands / Belgium
Current label: Domestic Genocide Records
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloudsBandOfficial
Bandcamp: https://cloudsofficial.bandcamp.com
Merch: http://doomclouds.bigcartel.com