Sangvis is a modern/melodic death metal band formed in a small town near Tula, Russia in 2009. Current members are: Roman Zotov (guitars), Vyacheslav Sigaylov (guitars), Stepan Zuyev (vocals), Konstantin Kalyanov (bass). Right now the band is in the process of releasing their first full-length album.
Femme Fatale, the second installment in their album-length album. A deeply personal song, at the same time inspired by a familiar film noir archetype—a facade of innocent beauty with danger lurking close behind, perhaps making it even more alluring. This contrast is mirrored by the song’s brutal riffing and sensual clean-vocal chorus, laced with emotional guitar solos. Another chapter in our story told through a series of modern metal songs.
"The story we’re telling through our songs is heavily inspired by film noir, sometimes over-the-top and verging on the cartoonish, but always sincere. This song in particular is very clear about its inspiration: femme fatale, a classic noir archetype if there is one. It’s in the title!" - Commented the band.
"You know the type. She allures with her outward charm and drop-dead gorgeous looks, only to lead you to a fatal end. An unsuspecting detective, the song’s protagonist, falls into a deadly trap set by a beautiful woman with dark secrets and darker intentions: as unoriginal as it may be, the story is resonating and just right for our series. And we believe that even today these characters have to say a lot of things to those who’ll listen, after all, even if they are a bit one-dimensional, they still were and are true in terms of what they are meant to convey. Oh, and completely unrelated, we happen to be fans of noir." - Commented the band.
Formed In: 2009
Status: Active
Years Active: 2009-Present
Zuev Stepan - Vocals
Zotov Roman - Guitar
Sigailov Viacheslav - Guitar
Kalianov Konstantin - Bass
Country of origin: Russia
Location: Uzlovaya, Tula Oblast
Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore
Current Label: Unsigned/Independent
Booking/Press Contact: sangvischester@gmail.com
Bandcamp: https://sangvis.bandcamp.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sangvisband
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-39838631
VKontakte: https://vk.com/sangvis
Instagram: https://instagram.com/sangvisofficial
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com
Femme Fatale (Single - 2020)
Released May 22, 2020
Stream/Download: https://band.link/sangvis