"Dor" reflects on the emotive chord of humanity and lingers around the crushing feeling of missing someone.
After two successful full length and one EP, the Clouds music evolves slightly towards the more melodic side of doom metal, more emotional and susceptible to melancholy.
Recorded as a two volumes album, "Dor" includes guest vocals from artists such as Gogo Melone (Aeonian Sorrow), Pim Blankenstein (Officium Triste), Sylvaine, Mihu (Abigail), Kayla Dixon (Witch Mountain) and the vocal contest winner Caleb Bergen (Sleepwalkers).
The members of Clouds have a combined resumé that remains virtually unmatched in doom metal. Amongst the members of the atmospheric doom band are contributions and efforts in some of the genre's biggest and productive names over the last 25 years. Names like Pantheist, Shape of Despair, Barren Earth, and Eye of Solitude are just a handful of examples. However, their collective work in Clouds remains its own wonderfully unique entity.
Released November 16, 2018
Released December 25, 2018
Status: Active
Years active: 2013-Present
Daniel Neagoe - Drums, Vocals
Jarno Salomaa - Guitars
Déhà - Guitars, Bass
Kostas Panagiotou - Keyboards
Pim Blankenstein - Vocals
Jón Aldará - Vocals
Anders Eek - Drums
Mark Antoniades - Guitar
Genre: Atmospheric Doom Metal
Country of origin: International
Location: United Kingdom / Finland / Netherlands / Faroe Islands / Belgium
Current label: Domestic Genocide Records
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloudsBandOfficial
Bandcamp: https://cloudsofficial.bandcamp.com
Merch: http://doomclouds.bigcartel.com