Among the contemporary Doom Metal bands who have risen in the international scene during the last decade, French-based MONOLITHE, whose musical journeys opened up new horizons for the genre, stood out from the mass since its early days.
MONOLITHE’s music needs to be lived more than listened to. Its atmosphere is grandiose and epic. The entire discography is a musical saga that mixes heaviness, mysticism and complex structures tinged with hints of progressive flair. The listener is invited into a world of beauty, horror and nothingness.
MONOLITHE 's music can be qualified as Dark Doom Metal : a Doom/Death basis on which we add other influences, from Extreme Metal to Progressive, passing through the adventurism and psychedelia of the 70's. The music is mostly loud and powerful, rich in riffs and atmosphere, very immersive and spatial. It evolves with each albums, MONOLITHE does not want to stagnate, neither to stick to the over-exploited codes of the gender. The band, which exist since 2001, released 6 albums, 2 EPs and a Best-Of. They have, at first, been known for their sets of albums composed of only one long track, starting with "The Great Clockmaker" saga ("Monolithe I - II - III - IV") and then followed by the duology "Epsilon Aurigae" and "Zeta Reticuli".
7 musicians gathered to record the 7-minutes songs to feature on MONOLITHE’s upcoming 7th opus - NEBULA SEPTEM.
On the album, the tonality of each song is one of the 7th notes of the western scale.
The first letter of the songs’ titles is one of the 7th first letters of the alphabet ; It is also the tonality of each song - from A to G.
Song lyrics develop science-fiction stories mainly focused on extra-terrestrial life. The music - while reminiscent of the band’s usual touch, is a new step ahead in the band’s career, with new influences and a rejuvenating approach.
1. Anechoic Aberration
2. Burst In The Event Horizon
3. Coil Shaped Volutions
4. Delta Scuti
5. Engineering The Rip
6. Fathom The Deep
7. Gravity Flood
NEBULA SEPTEM is set for release on January 26th 2018 on Les Acteurs de l'ombre Productions.
Formed In: 2001
Status: Active
Years Active: 2001-Present
Sébastien Pierre - Vocals
Rémi Brochard - Guitar
Sylvain Bégot - Guitar
Benoît Blin - Guitar
Olivier Defives - Bass
Matthieu Marchand - Keyboards
Thibault Faucher - Drums
Country of Origin: France
Location: Paris, Île-de-France
Genre: Funeral Doom Metal
Current Label: Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions
Press Contact:
Blandine / LADLO : blandine@lesacteursdelombre.com
Prescillia / MONOLITHE : prescillia.bourguignon@gmail.com
Booking agent:
Prescillia : prescillia.bourguignon@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/monolithedoom
Bandcamp: http://monolithe.bandcamp.com
Myspace: http://myspace.com/monolithedoom
Tumblr: http://monolithedoom.tumblr.com
Burst In The Event Horizon (Single - 2017)
Released: September 25th, 2017
LP, CD & Merch preorders will be available on December 1st 2017. Be ready!