A Grave Regard is a Rapid City based band that authentically combines elements of melodic metal and hardcore. They are released their debut EP, In Circles on May 23, 2015, the recording, mastering/mixing was maded by Jeremy Schaeffer at All Poetic Audio!
They are currently working on a new EP set to be released late this year, more details set to be revealed soon.
Status: Active
Years Active: 2012-Present
Zakk Miller - Vocals
Kyle Leetch - Guitar
Nicholaus Glassner - Guitar
Wayne Johnson - Bass
Zac Conger - Drums
Location: Rapid City, SD, United States
Genre: Melodic-Progressive/Metalcore
Current Label: Unsigned/Independent
Agent: njglassner@aol.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AGraveRegardOfficial
Bandcamp: http://agraveregard.bandcamp.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/agraveregard
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+AGraveRegard
In Circles (EP - 2015)
Released May 23, 2015
Buy The EP On:
Bandcamp: https://agraveregard.bandcamp.com