The video features Pantheist mastermind, Kostas Panagioutou, as the video's main character. The video was directed by vocalist and drummer, Daniel Neagoe. In the video, Kostas appears stricken with grief and anguish as he tries to get rid of a photo of a woman. He attempts to burn and bury the photo; he tries to run, but the photo (or perhaps the memory of her in the form of a photo) continues to reappear. It ultimately becomes too much for the main character as he breaks down in the middle of the woods.
Check out the video and song below! Be sure to also pre-order "Dor" from Bandcamp.
Released August 10, 2018
Taken off "Dor" the bands's third full length, out November 14th.
Pre-order "Dor"from Bandcamp
Credits: Kostas Panagiotou (main character)
Directed by Daniel N and Produced by Bro'D Productions
Status: Active
Years active: 2013-Present
Daniel Neagoe - Drums, Vocals
Jarno Salomaa - Guitars
Déhà - Guitars, Bass
Kostas Panagiotou - Keyboards
Pim Blankenstein - Vocals
Jón Aldará - Vocals
Anders Eek - Drums
Mark Antoniades - Guitar
Genre: Atmospheric Doom Metal
Country of origin: International
Location: United Kingdom / Finland / Netherlands / Faroe Islands / Belgium
Current label: Domestic Genocide Records
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloudsBandOfficial
Bandcamp: https://cloudsofficial.bandcamp.com
Merch: http://doomclouds.bigcartel.com