“Storm Alive” is A Constant Storm’s debut album and follow up to the 2014 EP “Storm Born”. This new work features lead vocals by Ricardo Pereira (Moonshade, Vimara) and was recorded and produced by Afonso Aguiar (Moonshade, Dark Oath, @ISFrame).
This video was recorded in first live appearance of the project A Constant Storm on July 23, 2017 included in the solidarity event organized by the Association of Homeless and Paulo D'Ávila Club.
It was a small acoustic showcase and took place at the Recreational and Cultural Center of Aparecida in Lousada.
A Constant Storm - Nexus (Acoustic Live)
Released: August 2nd, 2017
A Constant Storm Live at Lousada, Portugal (Acoustic Showcase) - July 23, 2017
Video: João Lobo (ISFrame)
Editing: João Lobo (ISFrame)
Status: Active
Years Active: 2013-Present
Daniel Laureano (Stormbringer) – Electric and Acoustic Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Backing Vocals
Additional Musicians:
Ricardo Pereira – Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals
Afonso Aguiar – Drum Programming
Country of Origin: Portugal
Location: Porto
Genre: Melodic Death/Black Metal
Current Label: Unsigned/Independent
Booking/Press Contact: aconstantstorm@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aconstantstorm
Bandcamp: https://aconstantstorm.bandcamp.com