The Hitwood project was founded in 2007, it's based in the North of Italy and is intended as a solo project of Antonio Boccellari. 10 Years ago, an old wise man appears in his dreams and guide him into an astral journey every night. In these “travels” there’s an old man, called Hitwood, who explains that he’s trapped in that dreamworld from a long time and his real alter-ego it’s probably already alive in the real world but it’s stuck in an perpetual sleep.
The old man discover in the dreamworld the dark future of the earth and do its best to communicate this to people in their dreams through its celestial music, because he can’t dialogue in another way. There are thousands of Hitwood messengers around the world but when they wake up probably didn’t remember what these melodies are about and ends up to forget them. The founder of Hitwood project is one of these Messengers and has the gift to remember the dreamy melodies despite he didn’t know what they really means.
His purpose was to make songs with fragments of these melodies adapted in a Melodic Death/Post Metal style in the hope to find someone who could remember something from Hitwood dreams and help him to communicate his visions of the future to humanity.
The first album "When Youngness... Flies Away..." was released in October 2016 after 9 years of composition necessary to elaborate all the melodies dreamed in the past years and trying to commutate them into a Metal approach and give them a logic song structure.
After this important milestone, was released another EP called "As a Season Bloom". Short album with only four songs where every track describe through music the vibe of every season to make a testament of how the season where before what would happen in the future. Nothing will be the same...
Antonio, the hitwood messenger, was working urgently on new material because the dreams becomes more and more frequent in the last times and the old wise want to find the other messengers to save the world from an imminent dark omen.
On August 13, 2017 DETRITI was released, the album was recorded between April and July 2017 suddently after the predecessor "As a Season Bloom", DETRITI signs a new path for Hitwood sound, this time no more instrumental but pure Melodic Death Metal with all that celestial sounds that you've always loved from our past songs and celebrate the 10th anniversary of the band founded in September 2007.
DETRITI, it's the italian word for "debris". With this term I define the fragments of sounds that I remember I have experienced in my dreams. The concept behind the album is the background life of Hitwood, an old man that appears from 10 years in my dreams. The old man fall in a coma many years ago and find himself trapped in a dream experiencing visions from the future. He appears in dreams of us called "Messengers" and guide us in a dreamy journey night after night to give us the mission of save the mankind from a dark future. Because he couldn't, we are the only ones that could spread in the real world his message and we choose to do it with music...
"As Far as I Can Remember": The meaning behind the track represents my feeling when I experience music in dreams, another dimension, a bright world with vibrant colors, and I want you to feel exactly what I hear in these "dream trips" that I experience from 10 years. Another meaning of the track regards The old wise Hitwood and memories about his past life before he ends up to lose himself in a perpetual dream..
"My path to nowhere": this song is about Hitwood and his thoughts since it find himself trapped in a dream. Tired of his tragedies he begin to wander searching the purpose of life and his recurrent question is if only him was the one that feel that insurmontable weight on his shoulders; if he's the only one that sees that loss of morals of the society and the only one that couldn't experience happiness ...so he begins to think that if no one feel the same way, he could probably descend from holy gods.."as I wish to descend from holy gods, amen"
"Years of sadness": As the previous song, these lyrics focus one more time on the Hitwood life and his desperation for the loss of someone and for the distance from his land of origin. As the song say "years of sadness I've carried along my way, tell my story when I'm dead", this is the last song about Hitwood life in the real world, before his coma. He says to "tell his story" when he will die and challenge you to "try to follow his footsteps", if you think you could do better of him, like if he passed an entire life judged by others.
"More Winters to face": an instrumental moment of peace, like a transition from real life to the dream dimension. With this song Hitwood find himself trapped in a fully colored dream, represented by the artwork of the album.
"Chromatic": After years of judgements, Hitwood feels that he haven't convinced the others of his potential, he feels like an "uncolored massive planet" but he constantly fight to became as bright as the sun and steal his place in the space.
"Venus of my dreams": directly from our debut album "When youngness.. Flies Away.." this is a remake of one of my favorite song in this record called Her Red Air. The lyrics was written during the debut album recording sessions and the background story is about a call from Hitwood to lady godiva to save the world from a catastrophic future war that could write the word "end" to our existence.
On August 13, 2017 DETRITI was released, the album was recorded between April and July 2017 suddently after the predecessor "As a Season Bloom", DETRITI signs a new path for Hitwood sound, this time no more instrumental but pure Melodic Death Metal with all that celestial sounds that you've always loved from our past songs and celebrate the 10th anniversary of the band founded in September 2007.
DETRITI, it's the italian word for "debris". With this term I define the fragments of sounds that I remember I have experienced in my dreams. The concept behind the album is the background life of Hitwood, an old man that appears from 10 years in my dreams. The old man fall in a coma many years ago and find himself trapped in a dream experiencing visions from the future. He appears in dreams of us called "Messengers" and guide us in a dreamy journey night after night to give us the mission of save the mankind from a dark future. Because he couldn't, we are the only ones that could spread in the real world his message and we choose to do it with music...
"As Far as I Can Remember": The meaning behind the track represents my feeling when I experience music in dreams, another dimension, a bright world with vibrant colors, and I want you to feel exactly what I hear in these "dream trips" that I experience from 10 years. Another meaning of the track regards The old wise Hitwood and memories about his past life before he ends up to lose himself in a perpetual dream..
"My path to nowhere": this song is about Hitwood and his thoughts since it find himself trapped in a dream. Tired of his tragedies he begin to wander searching the purpose of life and his recurrent question is if only him was the one that feel that insurmontable weight on his shoulders; if he's the only one that sees that loss of morals of the society and the only one that couldn't experience happiness ...so he begins to think that if no one feel the same way, he could probably descend from holy gods.."as I wish to descend from holy gods, amen"
"Years of sadness": As the previous song, these lyrics focus one more time on the Hitwood life and his desperation for the loss of someone and for the distance from his land of origin. As the song say "years of sadness I've carried along my way, tell my story when I'm dead", this is the last song about Hitwood life in the real world, before his coma. He says to "tell his story" when he will die and challenge you to "try to follow his footsteps", if you think you could do better of him, like if he passed an entire life judged by others.
"More Winters to face": an instrumental moment of peace, like a transition from real life to the dream dimension. With this song Hitwood find himself trapped in a fully colored dream, represented by the artwork of the album.
"Chromatic": After years of judgements, Hitwood feels that he haven't convinced the others of his potential, he feels like an "uncolored massive planet" but he constantly fight to became as bright as the sun and steal his place in the space.
"Venus of my dreams": directly from our debut album "When youngness.. Flies Away.." this is a remake of one of my favorite song in this record called Her Red Air. The lyrics was written during the debut album recording sessions and the background story is about a call from Hitwood to lady godiva to save the world from a catastrophic future war that could write the word "end" to our existence.
Formed In: 2007
Status: Active
Years Active: 2007-Present
Antonio Boccellari (All instruments and Songwriting)
Country: Italy
Location: Milan, Lombardy
Genre: Melodic Death Metal/Instrumental
Current Label: Independent/Unsigned
Booking/Press Conntact: hitwoodband@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hitwoodmetal
Bandcamp: https://hitwood.bandcamp.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HitwoodMetal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hitwood_metal
Released August 13, 2017
Guest Musicians
Carlos Timaure (Vocals)
Eveline Schmidiger (Vocals)