Clouds, an international doom project, just announced a new EP, and you can read all about it below. To sum it up, it will be titled Destin and feature artwork by Arthur Kornovics and four new songs. The cover has been revealed and can be seen as well.
The band explained: "Dear friends, it is with much pleasure we present to you with Destin. This will be our new EP and its artwork has Arthur Kornovics's distinct signature as usual. There will be two versions of this release, CD and vinyl.
"The CD version will contain four new songs, Errata, the single which by now hasn't been included on any physical material and two acoustic versions of older songs: Even If I Fall and You Went So Silent. The vinyl version will contain just the four new songs as a collector's edition.
"There will also be a special package for this release limited to only 50 pieces, and we will come back with more details regarding it, however, what we can say by now is that this is going to be very much on your liking and will contain a lot of items. Please stay tuned until Monday next week, when we will come back with our next guest appearance on the EP as well as more news about the EP itself."
On June 30th, 2017 Clouds released the first single Fields Of Nothingness feat Mikko Kotamäki (Mikko from Swallow the Sun vocalist).
Their new EP "Destin", the EP will be released on
1st of August 2017 (Digitaly) and on1st of September 2017 (Physicaly) in Fifty limited edition 100% handmade, hand numbered (both cd and packaging) digipacks. The digipacks will have between 3 to 5 panels (CD in the middle, 2 folds sideways and 2 folds up and down). You can Pre-Order and kow more about the package features here: https://www.thevinyldivision.com/product-page/clouds-destin-wooden-box.
Clouds is a veritable supergroup containing members of some of the most prolific Doom bands around. Formed by Daniel Neagoe (Eye Of Solitude, Deos, Colosus) in 2013, he states, "The music is dedicated to departed ones, loved ones who now, are no longer amongst us." Joined by Jarno Salomaa (Shape Of Despair), Déhà (Imber Luminis, Slow), Kostas Panagiotou (Pantheist, Wijlen Wij), Pim Blankenstein (Officium Triste, The 11th Hour), Jón Aldará (Barren Earth, Hamferð), Daniel Mark Antoniades who plays foi Eye Of Solitude (guitars) and Sidious (vocals) and crew. CLOUDS orchestrate solemn odes of pain and sorrow dedicated to departed souls. Forged following the passing of someone close and dear, to hear CLOUDS is to lose yourself in a grievous journey through paths of desolation, anguish and despair.
Fields Of Nothingness (feat Mikko Kotamäki - Swallow The Sun)
Released: June 30th, 2017
Status: Active
Years active: 2013-Present
Daniel Neagoe - Drums, Vocals
Jarno Salomaa - Guitars
Déhà - Guitars, Bass
Kostas Panagiotou - Keyboards
Pim Blankenstein - Vocals
Jón Aldará - Vocals
Anders Eek - Drums
Mark Antoniades - Guitar
Genre: Atmospheric Doom Metal
Country of origin: International
Location: United Kingdom / Finland / Netherlands / Faroe Islands / Belgium
Current label: Domestic Genocide Records
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloudsBandOfficial
Bandcamp: https://cloudsofficial.bandcamp.com
Merch: http://doomclouds.bigcartel.com