January 23rd 2017, sees the release of Dark Rites debut album Dark Rites released worldwide on Sliptrick Records. A classic mix of hard and heavy to bring in the new year.
Dark Rites shortly afterwards and since then they have worked on the songs featured on the forthcoming album. Much of the work was done in their home recording studio, and not being subjected to time limits or deadlines, allowed the band to hone and perfect each song until they finally reached their desired effect.
DARK RITES wear their multiple influences on their sleeve. Their upcoming, self-titled full-length delivers a fresh yet deadly combination of Death Metal, melodic lines and powerful riffs, combined with fierce Thrash Metal tempos, Heavy Metal solos and powerful vocals.
All of DARK RITES’ songs are strongly autobiographical, with lyrics inspired by the band’s beliefs, views and fascinations. Their common passion for metal music – in all of its different facets and sub-genres – really shines throughout the entire length of the record.
As a band, they have never wanted to be restricted to a certain style when it comes to creating music and writing songs and so they have striven to blend different aspects of their influences into an original whole. Some may call it Death Metal or Metal Core and others may call it Alternative Metal, but for Dark Rites it has always been about expressing their passion for Metal music.
Formed In: 2016
Status: Active
Years Active: 2016
Wojtek Widuch - Guitars, Bass
Randy Kaciak - Drums
Oskar Åsfjäll - Vocals
Country Of Origin: UK, USA, SWEDEN
Genrre: Melodic Death Metal
Record Label: Sliptrick Records
CEO: Randy Kaciak//Wojtek Widuch
Booking/Press Contact: USA - Randy Kaciak - darkrites.band@gmail.com
UK - Wojtek Widuch - darkrites.band@gmail.com
Dark Rites (Full-Length Album - 2017)
Released January 23rd 2017
Produced & mastered by Wojtek Widuch | Mixed by Wojtek Widuch, Randy Kaciak, Oskar Åsfjäll
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