Dark Rites is an international act founded by Randy (USA) and Wojtek (UK) in early 2016. Despite its members living in different continents, technology has enabled them to overcome all possible geographical obstacles. After playing in several local bands in the late 90’s and late 2000’s, Randy and Wojtek soon teamed up with Oskar (ex-Disrupted, Sweden), thus completing the line-up.
DARK RITES wear their multiple influences on their sleeve. Their upcoming, self-titled full-length delivers a fresh yet deadly combination of Death Metal, melodic lines and powerful riffs, combined with fierce Thrash Metal tempos, Heavy Metal solos and powerful vocals.
All of DARK RITES’ songs are strongly autobiographical, with lyrics inspired by the band’s beliefs, views and fascinations. Their common passion for metal music – in all of its different facets and sub-genres – really shines throughout the entire length of the record.
This is the Official Lyric Video for the Dark Rites song Hall Of The Slain. This song will be featured on their first album released on Sliptrick Records, which will be on pre-sale from 23rd of December 2016. Hard copies will be available from 23rd of January 2017.
We’ll have more information about the album nearer to release date. Watch this space!
Hall Of The Slain (Official Lyric Video - 2016)
Released: November 22, 2016
Video Lyric Video Designed by Great Heights Design Video Studio (https://www.greathsd.com)
Formed In: 2016
Status: Active
Years Active: 2016
Wojtek Widuch - Guitars, Bass
Randy Kaciak - Drums
Oskar Åsfjäll - Vocals
Country Of Origin: UK, USA, SWEDEN
Genrre: Melodic Death Metal
Record Label: Sliptrick Records
CEO: Randy Kaciak//Wojtek Widuch
Booking/Press Contact: USA - Randy Kaciak - darkrites.band@gmail.com
UK - Wojtek Widuch - darkrites.band@gmail.com